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Banner for the Support Us/Volunteer Page

The Mary Bryant Home for the Blind and Visually Impaired is the embodiment of Mary Bryant’s dream of providing a safe, independent living environment for visually impaired individuals.  It began with the initial gift of her life savings at the time of her passing and has continued on through the unselfish gifts of our generous donors.

For over 75 years, the Mary Bryant Home Association, Inc., has operated the Mary Bryant Home for the Blind and Visually Impaired, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization providing both monetary and volunteer support to the Mary Bryant Home.  Our board of directors consisting of blind, visually impaired, and sighted members ensure each dollar is allocated appropriately to provide a quality supportive living community for all its residents. 

Donations come in many forms, such as dues for memberships to the Association, cash, stocks, bonds, memorial gifts, bequests, and in-kind gifts.  All donations are tax deductible and we recognize our donors for a variety of giving levels:

  • $5 – Mary Bryant Home Association Membership
  • Memorial or honorarium brick for our Robert E. Maxey Memorial Park, which is located adjacent to the front door of the Mary Bryant Home

Click here to donate directly through PayPal

Volunteer Opportunities 

Our residents love to meet new people, and they look forward each week to the visitors and volunteers who come to participate in activities with them.  And our volunteers regularly tell us how good they feel after spending time with the residents.                        

There are a number of ways you can volunteer your time at the Mary Bryant Home:

  • Outings and visits
  • Special Olympics, Bowling and Track & Field events
  • Wii Bowling
  • Social hours and Coffee hour
  • Weekly shopping trips
  • One-on-one shopping with a resident
  • Reading and writing letters for residents
  • Leading group activities such as Bingo, trivia, dice games, card games
  • Driving residents to doctor appointments
  • Assisting residents with laundry
  • Cleaning the common areas of the home
  • Gardening
  • Exercise classes (Yoga, group and machines)
  • Bible Study
  • Fundraising
  • Grounds maintenance including gardening and building upkeep
  • Entertainment
  • School groups, church groups, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts coming to visit residents or participate in a program

Technology Resources

Available to our residents and those throughout the greater Springfield Community